Stoke City News

Kalisz: Wembley Update – 9:00

Image for Kalisz: Wembley Update – 9:00

I woke up at stupid o’clock this morning, but funnily enough I managed to wake up on the dot of my alarm clock going off, even though I came in from a night out at quarter to 1 this morning (to be fair that is an early night for me).

I threw on my Stoke kit, threw my toast down my neck and threw the following items in the car: jester hat, foam finger, big Stoke flag, Big Tesco cool bag full of drinks and leftover pizza hut from the night before, and finally myself and my sister. It was now time to pick up Grandad, so I left the house with a ‘good luck – make them win’ from Mum, and the inevitable indigestion.

On the way to Grandad’s I was cheered on by a couple of early dog walkers, and of course, I returned the favour by giving a toot or two! Well what do you expect? Today’s excitement stopped me from caring that it was 7:20 in the morning!

We loaded Grandad and headed off – to the garage for a paper – then to The Britannia Stadium, and what a sight when we got there! The sun just creeping through the clouds and shining on the sea of coaches that filled most of the car parks! This wasn’t a coach trip, by the looks of things this was an army, ready to invade the south of Watford. Even then coaches were still arriving, and then came the cavalry of slightly posher coaches. To be honest, I didn’t care if I was on PMT bus so long as I got there! Afterall we’re all traveling the same distance.

Fans filtered through and there were all sorts of random collections; some fat, some small, some thin, some tall, one in a sumo suit accompanimg two superwomen and a bloke dressed as a pregnant nun! We’ve always had a special sense of humour. Then, I managed to pester and annoy a Sky Sports Reporter into interviewing me!!!! LIVE!!!!!!! It was brilliant, and I’ll be scouring the Internet for that sooner or later.

Then it was time to board; coach 15 was mine. I’ve got a lovely window seat view of the fans waving us off and the cameras filming us! So now I look forward to having forty winks to pass some of the 4 hours (roughly) we have on the coach.

More updates to come. Plus, the match will be covered by all three of us today. Well it is a special occasion!!

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