Rory Reveals the Trick to Throwing

I was attempting to occupy my boredom by watching senseless videos on YouTube, which mainly consisted on rather large people falling off things, some unique minded person running at full-pelt into brick walls repeatedly (him doing it repeatedly, not me watching repeatedly), and a runaway wheelchair at a pitch invasion. It just shows the extent of intelligence when it comes to my sense of humour.

However, one video I did stumble upon that didn`t have any randomness or pointlessness was a video of Rory Delap explaining the long-throw technique, or so to speak.

I`ve always wondered if there was some kind a technique to it. I have been experimenting in the back garden with a ball the dog hasn`t chewed when YouTube hasn`t been available due to lack of electricity. Obviously muscle would be a big help for the distance, but I wondered whether you had to put any backspin on the ball as it left your hands in order to get the flat trajectory? So I tried it, but my bony arms had no hope of throwing far enough to test the theory out. Let`s face it; Rory can throw his towel further than I can throw a ball.

So is there any boringly complicated physics and mathematical equations to throwing, or is it a case of ‘I have muscle, I throw ball`? Let`s see what the Human Slingshot has to say…

…apologies for the video being slightly too big, but I’m sure you’ll live…

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